Thursday, February 12, 2009

Lebanon - rant at BBC

(I'm told polite calm letters are best)

More racist spin from the BBC
Glasgow Media Group and BBC “independent enquiry”
findings ignored

To Helen Boaden - Director of BBC News

The BBC is presenting the Lebanese War as being “caused” by Hezbollah’s capture of two Israeli soldiers. I’ve heard many remarks to this effect, the last on World at One today. An Israeli government spokesman was interviewed about the devastating oil slick caused by Israeli attacks on fuel facilities. The Israeli spokesman stated it was the Hezbollah’s responsibility not Israel’s. The BBC reporter apologetically agreed.

I don’t pay my licence fee so the BBC, can act as sanitiser of the crimes against humanity that Israel systematically commits. The BBC’s role is to report on events not to create history to suit its own racist world view. (I do not say this lightly) The BBC is seriously failing its charter and humanity by constantly fogging the issues in the Middle East and presenting myth as fact.


I do not believe that the BBC is attempting to present a fair coverage of the conflict. I attach a sheet with reference to key issues ignored by the BBC news reporters to the eternal shame of all who take their wages from the corporation.


Pilger quotes a BBC program where Maureen Lipman says without serious challenge, that “human life is not cheap to the Israelis, and human life on the other side is quite cheap actually. .”

This is how Nazi’s thought about Jews, Slavs, Gipsies. It can only be this thinking that causes the BBC to propagandise for Israel and make no attempt to put the repeated conflicts in context or to present a balanced view. The people of this country deserve an impartial British Broadcasting Company not a mouth piece for Zionism.

News the BBC (Israel’s dept of spin in GB) did not communicate.

1) Since the Israeli withdrawal from Lebanon and the UN decision to place UNIFIL troops in the border area, there has been consistent violation by Israel of the Blue Line. IDF patrol tracks cross the withdrawal line persistently and the Lebanese government stated the deployment of UNIFIL and Lebanese troops could only happen once the Israeli violations ceased.

The most significant source of tension is the constant overflying of Lebanese air space by Israeli military aircraft. These flights occur on a daily bases penetrating deep into Lebanese airspace terrorising the civilian population by low flying and constantly breaking the sound barrier. The Secretary General and a number of interested governments have repeatedly requested Israel to respect the Blue Line. There have been clashes with Hezbollah and rockets have been fired into Israel on occasions.

2) IDF have constantly attacked Gaza killing and kidnapping Palestinians. A whole family was killed on the beach just weeks ago. Thousands of men, women and children are held in Israeli jails, many without charge or trial. These are largely kidnapped civilians from Gaza, West Bank and from Lebanon (during the 18 year Israeli occupation)

3) In reporting the war the issue of excessive force has been virtually ignored by the BBC. READ: Peter Bouckaert’s “For Israel, Innocent Civilians Are Fair Game” International Herald Tribune 3.8.06. READ: Robert Fisk, John Pilger or the hundreds of Lebanese blogs from the victims of these crimes. SEE: the pictures of phosphorus burnt children, of wives, fathers, children weeping for their loved ones. This was for two captured soldiers?

4) Olmert and Shin Bet vetoed an agreement to release the soldier captured by Hamas. This agreement by leading figures in Israel had the potential to curtail escalation i.e. the Lebanese invasion. Involved were Rabbis Meantime Froman and David Bigman plus Yitzhak Frankenthal, Palestinian cabinet minister Khaled Abu Arafa plus Hamas and PLO representatives. Reported by Omega Institute. Was this ever covered by the BBC?

5) This agreement was based on a prisoner exchange deal. Israel could have exchanged some of the incarcerated Arabs for their soldier held by Hamas as they could have dealt with Hezbollah’s request for a prisoner exchange. Was the failure to exchange prisoners “the cause” of the war ?

6) So prisoner exchanges were possibly in both stand-off’s but Israel and USA choose the military route. Seymour Hersh has reported that Pentagon staff pre-planned the targeting for the Israeli attacks “earlier this summer” and were intent on an invasion this year as preparation for an assault on Iran and Syria.

These are but 6 points in a long litany of Israeli aggression and crimes against humanity. According to Zionists, race is the issue. Israel is an apartheid state. Discrimination on the bases of race is written into their law but not GB law. So why is the BBC alined to Israeli law , not British or international law ?

Monday, January 12, 2009

Israel 2006 - What the BBC will not say

"We must use terror, assassination, intimidation, land confiscation, and the cutting of all social services to rid the Galilee of its Arab population." David Ben-Gurion (1)

“for the sake of the land of Israel it is permissible to lie” Yitzac Shamir (2)

“ We enthusiastically chose to become a colonialist society, ignoring international treaties, expropriating lands, engaging in theft and finding justification for all these activities....we established an apartheid regime” Michael Ben-Yair, Israeli Attorney General 1993 to 1996 (3)

From 8% of British Mandated Palestine (Jewish owned settlements) at the time of UN resolution 181 in 1947 to summer 2006 whereby Israel controls 100% and colonises over 80% of the land of the Palestinian people. Israel has lied, cheated, bullied, and murdered its way into being. This has taken place in absolute violation of UN wishes and Chapter 6 resolutions. All Chapter 7 resolutions (binding and enforceable) have been vetoed by the USA often with UK support, for almost sixty years. These crimes against humanity continue today.

The tools for the expansion of the Israeli state are terrorism and military force. Victims include those killed and horribly injured in the King David Hotel bombing, the assassination of Lord Moyne, British Resident Minister and Count Brenadotte, UN Mediator. There was extensive ethnic cleansing of hundreds of Palestine villages. Those that control Rabbinic Judaism wanted room to live - lebensraum for their planned new "nation" of peoples historically bound by religion and custom - not any ethnic or national heritage.

By May 1948 when British forces abandoned Palestinian, Israeli military forces had captured the major cities and forced some 300,000 Arabs from their land. Some sources quote 700,00 by 1949. Since then war without end and an ever expanding state of Israel notably in 1967 when Israel invaded Jordan to control the water of the River Jordan and Lake Tiberias plus the Golan Heights.

Oslo, broken promises. Israel did the reverse of the promised” land for peace” agreement by expanding settlements by 90% on the West Bank, building roads and infrastructure in gross violation of the accord and UN resolutions. Now the new “Security Barrier” is encircling “Greater Israel” with borders of 315 Kils with an Iron Wall of 670 Kils cutting off farmers and communities from their land, from their water from their markets, and laying the foundation for the next expansion of Israel in a few years when it will attempt to incorporate the West Bank into the Jewish state.

In 2006 Israel is again violently attacking its neighbours terrorising them, cutting of water, imposing curfews and making it impossible for Palestinians and Lebanese to sustain their lives. The Israeli airforce is constantly breaking the sound barrier with its US fighter planes - the sonic booms making it impossible for the Palestinians and now the Lebanese to sleep.

Since its occupation of the Palestinian homeland from 1947, Israel has been backed by Britain and the government of the USA plus powerful Jewish communities world wide. Examples:- The US provides around $4 billion annual military support. The GB provided key elements to manufacture plutonium in 1958 thus allowing Israel to become a nuclear power. Israel has used this immensely powerful gift from GB to created a vast stockpile of WMD. In the nineties Germany provided three Dolphin class submarines. These are now fitted with US supplied nuclear armed cruise missiles making Israel the most formidable of expansionist powers with vast range of destructive potential.

The development of Israel, as opposed to every other world state, is openly racist. The law of the land provides 2nd class citizenship for the minority of Israeli Arabs that remained. Palestinian, Lebanese etc., in the latest occupied territories, have the status of “untermenschen” as the Nazis classified slavs and Jews in 11 WW.

Now governments and news media point at Palestinians as the aggressors . John Pilger compares what’s happening now in Lebanon and Gaza to the Warsaw Ghetto of 1941/2. Penned in with water and most means of human survival cut off, the Nazis bombed civilians indiscriminately. When Jews fought back the Nazis viciously punished the entire community. Was it wrong for the Jews not to go quietly into the dark night ? Now the Lebanese, and Palestinians are being collectively punished with the specific targeting of civilians. Have Arabs the right to fight for their lives or do they not count as fully human ?

Pilger quotes a BBC program where Maureen Lipman says without serious challenge, that “human life is not cheap to the Israelis, and human life on the other side is quite cheap actually. .” This sounds how Nazi’s thought about Jews, Slavs, Gipsies. Is this why the BBC makes no attempt to put the repeated conflicts in context and to present a balanced view ?

This is the BBC, Royal Charter and all. The Glasgow University Media Group recently produced an extensive study revealing serious bias in reporting in Israel’s favour. Last year the BBC held an “independent” enquiry which accepted some bias yet still the most respected broadcaster continues to act as propagandist for the Zionist cause.

1. May 1948, to the General Staff. From Ben-Gurion, A Biography, by Michael Ben-Zohar, Delacorte, New York 1978
2.Quoted in Ha’aretz. ref. Bad News from Israel page 84.
3. Ben Yair wrote this paragraph in Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz. ref Bad news from Israel page 157