Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Impartiality Review Schedule Announced

Impartiality Review Schedule Announced
Deadline for submissions: 25th Nov.

Background and terms of reference. pdf file

Israeli-Palestinian Impartiality Review
BBC Governance Unit
Room 211, 35 Marylebone High Street
London, W1U 4AA

email to

In October the Governors published details of the review into impartiality in the BBC’s coverage of the Israel/Palestine conflict. November 25th is the deadline for viewers to submit an opinion.

In brief: it must be noted that the review will focus on transmission within the time scale when broadcasters were forewarned that a review of “impartiality” was pending. It is a possibility, with the acute focus on coverage of the issue by outside observers, that the “partiality” towards Israel - as analysed by Glasgow Media Research in the book “Bad News From Israel” - could soften and be morphed into a more balanced coverage.

There is a fundamental flaw in any review, however independent, if those to be reviewed are prepared for any test. This point could be made in letters to the BBC. However, despite the review, BBC reporting continues to be skewed in favour of Israel.

For example in Aug. 05 on R4 @ 10 (pm) a piece about violence in the Gaza strip concerning Palestinian attacks on Israeli troops. The reporter referred to “disputed territory”, which of course it is. But would the BBC have referred to disputed territory when covering the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait or when Nazi armies were facing bloody resistance from Russians on the outskirts of Leningrad 1941? The R4 report was around the time of the Israeli army’s internationally condemned attacks on the Jegnin refugee camp. The reporter obviously had not heard of the review or perhaps had taken in too much BBC reporting himself.

The Gaza strip and West bank are occupied territory as defined by the UN. Israel has been the target of at least 65, Chapter 6, UN resolutions regarding invaded lands and crimes against humanity. The US has vetoed 28 resolutions against Israel.

The BBC is not Fox News but the subtle fog it disperses is far more damaging by creating a mirage of “balance”. An insidious, perception distorting, drip of half truths, together with an enormity of omission. The greatest casualty is our understanding of history which allows evil and injustice a free hand.

Letters to each and every one of the BBC Governors may be appropriate in addition to submission to the review panel. The names and a contact address are on the BBC Governors web site. A short hand written letter is considered by some, as better value than a long typed detailed analysis, although I can’t always limit myself as such.

John Yates 25th Oct. 2005